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The Shipwreck Treasure Museum is now permanently closed.

Ship's log | 28 February 2020

Going Green at The Shipwreck Treasure Museum

Here at the Shipwreck Treasure Museum, we are keenly aware of the importance of energy-efficiency and environmental initiatives to help protect Cornwall’s unique and beautiful countryside. To show our commitment and to help improve our green credentials we have decided to join Green Tourism.

Green Tourism promotes greener ways for businesses and organisations to operate and we are partnering with them to ensure we’re working in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

Being located in a UNESCO World Heritage Site and overlooking the Atlantic Sea we understand how vital it is to preserve this incredible location, whilst also welcoming other people who want to enjoy it.

There are a number of ways in which we are trying to minimise our carbon footprint including improving our energy efficiency using LED lighting within the museum’s display cases to ensure a more environmentally friendly way of highlighting our artefacts.

You can find out more about Green Tourism on their website, here:

If you have any questions about how you can be more sustainable or would like to know what changes we’ve made here at the Shipwreck Treasure Museum that you might be able to adopt too please email us at
