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The Shipwreck Treasure Museum is now permanently closed.

23rd July - 4th September

Become A Polar Pro!

This summer splash your way through our Antarctic Seal and Penguin activities and traverse our chilling ice tunnels on an adventure to become a Polar Pro!

Will you Waddle like a Penguin or Bob with the Seals?

Choose Mack or Snoot at the start of your journey and follow their trail. You’ll meet epic explorers and discover long lost treasure. You’ll cross the world’s coldest landscape and jump into the freezing icy waters.

Are you up for the challenge to become a Polar Pro?

Choose one of the two trails through the museum, following either Snoot, our life size Elephant Seal or Mack our Macaroni Penguin.

Both of them have just arrived from the Antarctic and they need your help to find all of their friends who have disappeared into the museum! What brr-illiant things will you discover and are you up for the challenge to earn you Penguin Pro or Seal Savvy patch?

Come chill your flippers with us in Charlestown this summer and see if you’ve got what it takes to be a Polar Pro!

To learn how to make an Origami Penguin, follow this link

To learn how to make a Origami Seal, follow this link

Join us from the 23rd July through to the 4th September.

Daily from 10am – 5pm

(last admission 4pm)

Click here to book tickets


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